Herbs in my Garden

I decided to plant some herbs in my garden, if I could not harvest them at least they would smell good. Stepping outside and having a fragrant aroma from the herbs greet me would be wonderful. The herbs did very well and I was able to harvest and dry them and have fresh herbs through the winter. Not all did well, but the ones that did supplied a lot of dry, jarred herbs.

Not only did I have fresh herbs but I was also was able dry them by I turned the oven to 400 degrees and after the oven reached 400 I turned the oven down to 170 degrees. I put the herbs on parchment paper and left them in for 30 minutes or until crisp. When the herbs were done I let them sit until cool and crushed up the herbs and stored the herbs for later.

The Greek Oregano did very well and provided lots of leaves to dry.

fair to table hers Greek Oregano

Sage was a really good producer


Sage herbs Garden